Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday (and video!)

I know that's totally a weird title, but it makes sense.

Ok so. two stories.

1. Last year on Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent) a friend of mine put up a link on her blog ( ) to the T.S. Eliot poem "Ash Wednesday." I read it a few times and was struck by the muse in the only way muses know how to strike - with a sledgehammer. So I took a few lines from the poem and made it a first verse and then wrote the rest.

As often happens when I write meaningful, personal, thoughtful lyrics, I hide them. There is a certain sense of not wanting to be judged on feelings. It's ok if you don't like one of my songs that has a story in it or is about another person, but if it's feelings and about me? I have major issues putting it out there for perusal.

So when my friend asked to hear the song when I told her about it, I hemmed and hawed as only I can (procrastination is a gift) and so here, about a year later, she asked if I had a video for the song, which lead me to...

2. my video. like a VIDEO video. it's very moody. it's very atmospheric. I kinda love it. and I did it all myself. Which makes it much cooler. If you like it half as much as I, if you like it a QUARTER as much as I do, that's a lot of like.

so, enjoy. share with your friends, your enemies, your enemies' friends, your friends' enemies, your family (and especially people who are in multiple of those categories!)

anyway, thank you.



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