Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

classic rock? CANE conference 2010

First off I apologize for not writing more about my project - a group of songs based in ancient myth and history - and I had way too many songs for the actual presentation itself. I ended up recording four songs for an EP titled "Her Majesty Cry" that I gave out at the conference and played a bunch more.

Secondly, thank you to everyone who made it possible for me to play, to all the attendees, and to the long-ago writers of myth who put together some amazing material with which to write music.
For those of you who are wondering, the set list was:
1. Run Run Run (the story of Apollo and Daphne)
2. Paris (the story of Paris and the Trojan War)
3. Ulysses (the story of the Odyssey)
4. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (yes, the U2 song - it's a pretty good adaptation of Catullus 8)
5. Her Majesty Cry (the story of Orpheus and Euridice)
6. Fire ("Hephaestus's Lament")
7. Black Sails ("Ariadne's Lament")
8. Etc. (one of my songs not about myth, the last verse of which is in Latin)

the lyrics to the songs (and some of the recordings) can be found at http://www.dannrusso.com/cane_conference_2010.html


Thursday, March 11, 2010

mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

so it occurred to me that I promised set lists of all my shows and I have been sorely forgetful of putting them up, so as a St. Patrick's Day resolution (I know, a week early) I vow to post set lists as soon as I can remember them :-P

Tuesday March 9th - RL Show @ McGann's (Boston)
1. Dreaming Without You
2. Good Morning, Chelsea
3. Parking Lot Kings
4. It Seemed Just Like a Dream (What a Day)
5. Wanted Dead or Alive (yes, the Bon Jovi song)
6. No Pain

Wednesday March 10th - SL Show @ Bay Vista (SL)
1. Fortunes, Forecasts & Lucky Charms
2. Good Morning, Chelsea
3. The Scientist (Coldplay cover)
4. Dreaming Without You
5. Waiting For The Dawn
6. Para Que No Tengas Sed
7. Parking Lot Kings
8. Greensleeves
9. Desire (U2 cover)
10. Year
11. Plain Jane
12. Did You Ever Have
13. Capture My Heart.

thank you all for listening
